About Social Surge

We are a reputed & very responsible blockchain technology Platform. Where we design reliable, convenient & trustworthy investment, Technology and trading portfolio for our clients. Social Surge is a leading investment firm dedicated to helping individuals from all income brackets realize their financial goals. With a strong focus on inclusivity, we believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to grow their wealth. Our team of experts crafts personalized investment strategies that adapt to each client's unique financial circumstances. By offering a wide range of investment options and a commitment to transparency, Social Surge ensures that dreams are within reach, regardless of income level.

Social has projects related to Decentralized Exchange, Aggregated Decentralized Multicoin Wallet, NFT Market place, a HUB for Content Conributors / creators & a Biggest Global Utility Platform under its umbrella.

DeFi is an emerging financial technology based on secured distributed ledgers similar tocryptocurrencies.

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What is Crypto Currency?

Cryptocurrency is a type of digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for secure transactions, control of new units, and verification of asset transfers. Cryptocurrencies operate on decentralized networks based on blockchain technology.

Cryptocurrencies use decentralized control as opposed to centralized digital currency and central banking systems. The decentralized control of each cryptocurrency works through a blockchain, which is a public transaction database, functioning as a distributed ledger.

What is Forex Trading?

A forex trading bot or robot is the colloquial term for a software program based on foreign exchange market price movements that signals traders to buy or sell a currency pair at a given point in time.

These systems can be automated and can be integrated with online forex brokers or exchange platforms. Forex trading robots are automated software programs that generate trading signals. Most of these robots are built with MetaTrader, using the MQL scripting language, which lets traders generate trading signals or place orders, and manage trades.

Market Integration

Cryptocurrencies have become increasingly integrated into the broader financial markets, including the forex market.

Increased Trading Opportunities

The inclusion of cryptocurrencies in the forex market provides traders with additional opportunities for speculation.

Technological Innovation

The rise of cryptocurrencies has brought attention to blockchain technology and its potential applications. This innovation has influenced discussions about the future of finance and how technology can be leveraged in the creation and transfer of value.


In Blockchain, Decentralization Refers To The Transfer Of Control And Decisionmaking From A Centralized Entity (Individual, Organization, Or Group Thereof ) To A Distributed Network. Decentralized Networks Strive To Reduce The Level Of Trust That Participants Must Place In One Another, And Deter Their Ability To Exert Authority Or Control Over One Another In Ways That Degrade The Functionality Of The Network.

Benefits Of Decentralization

Provides A Trusty Environment
Improves Data Reconciliation

Our Plan



  • Direct Referral Income : 6%
    Match Pair Income : 10%
  • Stacking ROI: 5%
  • Minimum Stacking: $30
  • Duration: $365 days
  • Lock-in Days: $120 days
Returns 5% of Invest


  • Direct Referral Income : 6%
    Match Pair Income : 10%
  • Stacking ROI: 6%
  • Minimum Stacking: $30
  • Duration: $365 days
  • Lock-in Days: $120 days
Returns 6% of Invest


  • Direct Referral Income : 6%
    Match Pair Income : 10%
  • Stacking ROI: 7%
  • Minimum Stacking: $30
  • Duration: $365 days
  • Lock-in Days: $120 days
Returns 7% of Invest